Scott Allen Gibbs
2 min readJun 24, 2021



The search for inspiration, the true north of life’s adventure. The path is not linear, rather a circuitous labyrinth with dead ends, misguided attempts, and collections of things that only men can understand. The path should be the reward, not a reminder that you are lost. But things are never as they appear. Revelation is elusive as your belief erodes and cynicism blooms.

The search for the answer shields the eyes from possibilities. Death is the ultimate destination. The paths you take to this terminus remains the question that challenges us all. Life’s journey is a culmination of these wayfinding decisions. All choices present challenges, answers, and options to pivot. To make changes is natural for life demands it. But all decision led to new opportunities, an algebraic string of causal steppingstones. The next step is the only question for it makes possible future choices and opportunities.

My search has focused on the horizon while ignoring the next step. Will that step accommodate changing horizons? That is the foundational question for in this phase of an aging man’s life, retracing one’s steps is a luxury that time strains to accommodate. This will be a long journey and my mortality is the ultimate judge of whether the rewards are maximized. My first step is to ensure that my soul’s vessel can withstand the rigors of a raging sea, steadfast in the headwinds of life’s travels. I am in drydock to ensure my sea worthiness for the next step. This is my current adventure. It will make possible all subsequent adventures. Steppingstones in a life well lived.

